Doing Well By Doing Good

WONDERREEL® is children’s media with a mission.

At long last, children’s television needn’t waver between serving kids and serving them up to interested outsiders–whether toy marketers or politicians. WONDERREEL® won’t compromise on quality, thanks to digital technology and proven subscription revenue models. 

  • Scalable cloud storage provides capacity for a deep, long-tail video collection.
  • Globally sourced programming, dubbed into English and Spanish, provides the holy grail of online video: an attractive, implicitly exclusive, content library.
  • Transparent, minute-to-minute revenue-share accounting incentivizes rights-holders, whose incomes scale as they license more shows to the collection.
  • Online analytics expand audiences by matching shows with kids’ interests and tastes.
  • Subscription systems enable friction-free direct family payment.
  • Distribution algorithms, augmented by human+software moderation, insure that each family receives TV consistent with its values.

In short, WONDERREEL® can reward investors with a sustainable enterprise, while providing responsive, socially responsible children’s entertainment

  • in partnership with public-service broadcasters and independent filmmakers around the world
  • guided by a Content Advisory Council, including entertainment professionals, media activists and academics
  • with formal status as a for-profit benefit corporation, promoting the arts, the sciences and the advancement of knowledge

Doing well by doing good used to be wishful thinking. Today, it’s a sensible business model. We can deliver gorgeous, funny, thought-provoking video experiences to big kids without delivering their eyeballs to the highest bidder. It’s about time. But more than that, it’s about our families.

Talk to us: Or just click “Contact Us” in the menu at the top of this page.